Works > Cliché Verre

Dimunitive Forest Spirit
Salt Print, Cliché Verre
A Distant Visionb
Cyanotype Cliché Verre
Toned Cyanotype
Amazon 1
Amazon 2
Toned Cyanotype
Toned Cyanotype
Toned Cyanotype
Facie 1
Salt Print
Facie 2
Salt Print
Random Marks
Man in Chair 1
Salt Print
Man in Chair 2
Salt Print

Also known as glass plate, Cliché verre is created in various ways on a transparent or semitransparent surface. These images were made on glass smeared with smoke from a Kerosene Lamp. Using fingers and other implements, an image is "drawn" on the smoked glass.
The completed image is scanned, further manipulated and turned into a digital negative on transparent film. This film is then printed as a Cyanotype or Salt Print.